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Welcome to Infekted!

Create your own, custom, unique NFTs with the help of state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence.

Sounds amazing? This is how you'll do it:

  1. Login with Stoic Wallet
  2. Provide a text input that describes how your custom-generated NFT should look like.
  3. Click on 'Generate My NFT' to start the NFT generation. If this is your first NFT by Infekted, it'll be free. Otherwise, it costs a small fee that we use to feed a few hungry developers at Infekted.
  4. The AI uses your text input, many bits and robot love to generate an image that matches your description. Excited to see how it'll actually look? Don't forget to breathe!
  5. The generated image is stored as an NFT on Internet Computer and you can see it in your Stoic Wallet - just like magic :)
  6. Share your new masterpiece with the community on our DSCVR Portal and see what others generated with Infekted.

Create a new NFT

To create your custom NFT, log in first:

Creating new Infekted NFTs is currently disabled.

We're so excited! How will your custom-generated NFT look like??!

My Infekted NFTs

To view your Infekted NFTs, log in first:

My Infekted NFTs

Loading your masterpieces, 1 moment...

To see your Infekted NFTs in your wallet, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to Stoic Wallet and log in.
  2. In your account, click on the card that says "Entrepot NFT" and shows how many NFTs you own.
  3. Click on the circle with the "+" inside. A pop-up should appear with the "ADD TOKEN" tab selected. It says "Add the Canister ID/Token ID for the token you wish to add".
  4. In the input field for "Canister/Token ID" copy paste this Infekted Canister ID: hbe6s-raaaa-aaaai-acloa-cai. Then click on "ADD" (you should see a "Loading" message).
  5. Click on the circle with the refresh arrow inside to reload. Your Infekted NFTs should now show in the list of "Entrepot NFTs". The Infekted NFT generation can take up to 24 hours. In the meanwhile, you will see a placeholder image which will be replaced by your custom NFT once ready.
  6. Enjoy your custom-generated and unique Infekted NFTs! Make sure to share them on our DSCVR Portal :)

Or watch this video guide on how to create an Infekted NFT and see it in your wallet (careful, the video's clearly very high-budget):

Proof-of-Examples (PoE), anyone?!

See which NFTs other Infekted users generated and shared on our DSCVR Portal.

Check out these NFTs from the "Infekted Presents: Block Busters" collection:

We created these crypto-themed movie posters with Infekted, the same AI NFT Generator you've got access to here on this page, by providing the movie's summary as text input! Pretty dope, right?!

Shameless Plug: get your Block Busters NFT on Entrepot

And how about a few more NFTs created by Infekted including the text input provided?!?...

Check out these articles if you're looking for a rabbit hole related to AI-image generators and what kind of text inputs you could provide to Infekted. See you on the other side and good luck!